Resultado de imagem para imagens do tempo
Normally, I don’t have time to grab a bite to eat. So, what I’ve been up to
recently? You don’t even know.  I’m studying English, writing a book,
reviewing others, taking friend visits, making coffee, directing theses,
lunching with the grandchildren e otras cositas más. In short, working
as  a female dumb.

I fell in love with the irresistible Lord Stress. He also fell in love with me.
Consequently, I need urgently to organize the clothes of the Time for the

Let’s see: I’ll now remind myself that the human being eats. (If this’s  real,
at what time, why, where?).

I won’t be able to sleep and wake up simultaneously  at six AM, like now.
I’ll say the English teacher that I was late ‘cause I was dreaming that I was
slowly in an aircraft,  flying from Malaysia straight for her class.

What about my books and the others? Well, I told the editor, yesterday, at midnight, in a honest hotel, that don’t bother to pay me, until the last
astronaut can get a Babysitting job on the Planet Pluto.

Finally, I’ll rent a cloud from the computer to sleep over it until the clock
falls in love with the Goddess Laziness.

So, stay organized my time of life in heaven, doesn’t it?
Graça Rios

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